Abkürzung | Bedeutung |
10GBE | 10 GigaBit Ethernet |
ACP | Analog Content Protection |
A-I3 | Arbeitsgruppe Identität Im Internet |
AIRA | Autonomous Intelligent Robot Agent |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol |
ANC | Active Noise Cancellation |
ANR | Active Noise Reduction |
AOE | Advanced technology attachment Over Ethernet |
APS | Advanced Planning and Scheduling |
ARN | Amazon Resource Name |
ATI | Array Technology Incorporated |
AVC | Asia Vital Components |
AVM | Audio Visuelles Marketing |
BDE | Bitlocker Drive Encryption |
BFF | Bottom Field First |
BFI | Black Frame Insertion |
BH | BlakHole |
BI | Business Intelligence |
BIBO | Be In / Be Out |
BIBTEX | BIBliography Tau, Epsilon, Chi |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
BSP | BootStrap Processor |
C&Q | Cool AND Quiet |
CACERT | Certification Authority CERTificates |
CDD | Compatibility Definition Document |
CEB | Compact Electronics Bay |
CICO | Check In / Check Out |
CLOB | Character Large OBject |
CLOOP | Compressed LOOP device |
CMSS-3D | Creative MultiSpeaker Surround THREE Dimensions |
CMT | Concurrent Multi-Threading |
COPP | Certified Output Protection Protocol |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
CQRS | Command-Query-Responsibility-Segregation |
CRASH | Common ReusAble SHell |
CRC32 | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRC32C | Cyclic Redundancy Check Castagnoli |
CVE | Common Vulnerabilitiy and Exposure |
DANTE | Deutschsprachige ANwendervereinigung Tau, Epsilon, chi (TEX) |
DCA | Direct Connect Architecture |
DCC | Debian Core Consortium (DCC Common Core) |
DCE | Dead Code Elimination |
DDL | Dolby Digital Live |
DDPLUS | Dolby Digital PLUS |
DGON | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation |
DMA | Digital Media Adapter |
DNAME | Domain NAME |
DNG | Digital NeGative |
DREAM | Digital Rights Everywhere / Available Management |
DSCP | Differentiated Services CodePoint |
DTCSA | Digital Transition Content Security Act |
DUART | Dual Universal Asynchronuous Receive Transmit |
DVB-T2 | Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrian, 2nd generation |
DVB-T2 HD | Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrian, 2nd generation High Definition |
DWT | Dynamic hypertext markup language (DHTML) Widget Toolkit |
EASSY | Eastern Africa Submarine cable SYstem |
ECIA | Electronics Components Industries Alliance |
EEB | Entry Electronics Bay |
EEPD | Electronic Equipment Produktion und Distribution |
EHS | Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity |
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
ELSA | ELektronische Systeme Aachen |
ESIM | Electronic Subscriber Identity Module |
ETX | Expected TRANSmission count |
EVITA | E-safety Vehicle Intrusion protected Applications |
EXTREMEUSB | EXTREME Universal Serial Bus |
FBDEV | FrameBuffer DEVice |
FFDSHOW | Fast Forward Direct SHOW |
FOMO | Fear Of Missing Out |
FOTA | Firmware Over-The-Air |
FPFA | Field Programmable Function Array |
FROSCON | FRee and Open Source CONference |
FSB667 | Front Side Bus with 667 megahertz |
GAFA | Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple |
GAFANOMICS | Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple ecoNOMICS |
GATT | Generic ATTribute |
GMM | Gaussian Mixture Model |
GNS | Global Navigation Systems |
GPGME | Gnu is Not Universal executor (UNIX) Privacy Guard Made Easy |
GPLV3 | Gnu is not unix (GNU) Public License Version 3 |
GPT | Globally unique identifier Partition Table |
GPX | Global Positioning system (GPS) eXchange format |
GRSC | Global Radio Standards Collaboration |
GSA | Global mobile Suppliers Association |
GSM | Global Shape Modeling |
HADR | High Availability Disaster Recovery |
HGMP | Huawei Group Management Protocol |
HKS | Horowitz Key Server |
HSARPA | Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency |
HST | High Soft Tech |
HTT | Hyper-Threading Technology |
ICE | Internet Communications Engine |
ICH7DH | Input/output Controller Hub 7 Digital Home |
ICSTIS | Independent Committee for the supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services |
ICUB | Internet Cognitive Universal Body |
IDC | Integrated electronics (INTEL) Developer Center |
IFR | International Federation of Robotics |
IGF | Internet Governance Forum |
IOSP | Integration Operation Segregation Principle |
IOT | Internet Of Things |
IP67 | International Protection 6 / 7 |
IPF | Itanium Processor Family |
IPFW | Internet Protocol FireWall |
IS | Image Stabilization |
ISOBMFF | International Standards Organization (ISO) Base Media File Format |
IVE | Instant Video Everywhere |
JCSTRESS | Java Concurrency STRESS tests |
JDEPS | Java DEPendency analysiS |
JMH | Java Microbenchmarking Harness |
JSON-LD | JavaScript Object Notation - Linked Data |
L1D | Level ONE Data |
L1I | Level ONE Instructions |
LANCOM | Local Area Network and COMmunication |
LATEX | LAmport Tau, Epsilon, Chi |
LENS | Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) Engineered Net Shaping |
LEPS | Local area network and communication (LANCOM) Enhanced Passphrase Security |
LESS | LargE-Scale Scrum |
LIBRESWAN | LIBRE Secure Wide Area Network |
LLP | Lead-Less lead-frame Package |
LOB | Large OBject |
LOM | Laminated Object Manufacturing |
LRI | Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique |
LVS | Low-Voltage-Swing |
M3C | Mikrocomputer und Musikelektronik Marketing und Consulting |
M4B | Motion picture expert group - 4 (MPEG-4) audio Book |
MD-RAID | Multiple Device Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks |
MEOMS | Micro Electro-Optical-Mechanical System |
MESS | Multiple Emulator Super System |
MICRO SMDXT | MICRO Surface Mount Device eXtended Technology |
MIKTEX | MIcro-Kid Tau, Epsilon, Chi |
MINT | Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik |
MKB | Media Key Block |
MMC | Mandatory Managed Copy |
MMSH | Microsoft Media Server Protocol over Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) |
MOC | Meta Object Compiler |
MOEMS | Micro Optical-Electro-Mechanical System |
MPEG-21 | Motion Picture Expert Group - 21 |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport |
MRL | Media Resource Locator |
MSCHAPV1 | MicroSoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 1 |
MSCHAPV2 | MicroSoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2 |
MTC | Multi-Threaded Calculation |
MUM | Mensch Und Maschine |
MUPAD | MUlti Processing Algebra Data tool |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
NESCOM | NEw Standards COMmittee |
NGMA | Next Generation Micro-Architecture |
NPAPI | Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface |
NPRE | Nagios Remote Plugin Executor |
NPVR | Network Personal Video Recorder |
NTD | No Touch Deployment |
OBD-2 | On Board Diagnostics - 2 |
OCB | Optically Compensated Bend mode |
ODP.NET | Oracle Data Provider for .NETwork |
ODT | Oracle Developer Tools |
ODT | OpenDocument-Text |
OGO | On the GO |
OIN | Open Invention Network |
OMA-DM | Open Mobile Alliance - Device Management |
OMA-DS | Open Mobile Alliance - Data Synchronisation |
OPENSPARC | OPEN Scalable Processor ARChitecture |
OPENSWAN | OPEN Secure Wide Area Network |
OPENTC | OPEN Trusted Computing |
OPENVAS | OPEN Vulnerability Assessment System |
OPS | Optischer PositionsSensor |
OSDC | Open Source Data center Conference |
OST | Office of Science and Technology |
OXPS | Open eXtensible markup language (XML) Paper Specification |
P.A. SEMI | Palo Alto SEMIconductor |
PAPERO | PArtner-type PErsonal RObot |
PC/104 | Personal Computer / 104 pins |
PCI-X 100 | Peripheral Component Interconnect - eXtended, 100 mega transfers per second |
PDO | Php: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) Data Objects |
PE-PAPIER | PolyEthylen-PAPIER |
PGO | Profile-Guided Optimization |
PIHIR | Pin In Hole Intrusive Reflow |
PIP | Pin In Paste |
PKS | Public Key Server |
PLE | Property List Editor |
PMP | Portable Media Player |
PMX | PrimärMultipleX |
PMXAS | PrimärMultipleXAnschlusS |
POMO | Principle Of Mutual Oblivion |
POP | Package-On-Package |
PPMD | Prediction by Partial Match Derived |
PPMP | Production Performance Management Protocol |
PROMOS | PROfessional Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
PSD | Position Sensitive Detector |
PSF | Python Software Foundation |
PSONE | PlayStation ONE |
PYPL | PopularitY of Programming Language index |
QFN | Quad Flat No leads package |
QOLSR | Quality of service (QOS) in ad hoc networks using Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) |
RAC | Read Ahead Cache |
RAML | Representational State Transfer (REST) Application programming interface (API) Modeling Language |
RAPIDIO | RAPID Input/Output |
RC-PAPIER | Resin Coated-PAPIER |
REACTOS | REACT Operating System |
RGB24 | Red Green Blue 24 binary digits (BITs) |
RGMII | Reduced Gigabit Media-Independent Interface |
RIA | Robotic Industries Association |
RMII | Reduced Media-Independent Interface |
RP | Rapid Prototyping |
RS-232 | Recommended Standard 232 |
RSVCD | Robshot & bach Super Video Compact Disc |
SAFE | Scaled Agile FramEwork |
SAT-3 | South ATlantic 3 |
SBE | System Builder Edition |
SC | SuperComputing |
SDLLIB | Simple Direct media Layer LIBrary |
SGMII | Serial Gigabit Media-Independent Interface |
SIP | Software Isolated Process |
SIP | Silicon Intellectual Property |
SIPI | Software Inter-Processor Interrupt |
SKS | Synchronizing Key Server |
SL | Stereo Litography |
SLA | Stereo LitogrAphy |
SLED | Software und systementwicklung (SUSE) Linus universal executor (LINUX) Enterprise Desktop |
SOC | Security Operations Center |
SOEMT | Switch On Event MultiThreading |
SOP | Same-Origin-Policy |
SPECJBB2000 | Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Java server Business Benchmark 2000 |
SRV RR | SeRVice Resource Records |
STAAD | STructural Analysis And Design |
STBC | Space Time Block Code |
STRONGARM | STRONG Advanced Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) Machines |
STRONGSWAN | STRONG Secure Wide Area Network |
STS | Secure Token Service |
SUL | magnetically Soft UnderLayer |
SVGALIB | Super Video Graphics Array LIBrary |
SXW | Stanford university network (SUN) eXtensible markup language (XML) Writer |
SYNCML-DM | SYNChronisation Markup Language - Device Management |
SYNCML-DS | SYNChronisation Markup Language - Data Synchronisation |
SYSFS | SYStem File System |
SYSTRAY | SYStem Tray |
TEX | Tau, Epsilon, Chi |
THR | Through-Hole-reflow |
TL;DR | Too Long; Didn't Read |
TVODSL | TeleVision Over Digital Subscriber Line |
UDI | Unified Display Interface |
UFD | Universal serial bus (USB) Flash Drive |
UIB | Umwelt Informatik Büro |
UMA | Unlicensed Mobile Access |
UMPC | Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer |
UNIONFS | UNIficatiON File System |
URP | Universal network objects (UNO) Remote Protocol |
USPTO | United States Patent and Trademark Office |
UVD | Unified Video Decoder |
VEIL | Video Encoded Invisible Light |
VIA | Very Innovative Architecture |
VIOLA | Vertically Integrated Optical Testbed for Large Application |
VMBR | Virtual Machine Based Rootkit |
VMD | Versatile Multilayer Disc |
VMT | Vertical MultiThreading |
VPA | Vodafone Personal Assistant |
VPE | Virtual Processing Element |
VR | Vibration Reduction |
V-RAM | Video encoded invisible light (VEIL) Rights Assertion Mark |
VTD-XML | Virtual Token Descriptor for eXtensible Markup Language |
WF | Windows workflow Foundation |
WIKINGER | WIKI Next Generation Enhanced Repository |
WOWLAN | Wake On Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation |
WPF/E | Windows Presentation Foundation / Everywhere |
WPF/XAML | Windows Presentation Foundation / eXtensible Application Markup Language |
WRR | Weighted Round Robin |
XCP | eXtended Copy Protection |
XDSL-TV | ANY Digital Subscriber Line - TeleVision |
XGMII | 10 Gigabit Media-Independent Interface |
XHTML MP | eXtensible HyperText Markup Language Mobile Profile |
XML-RPC | eXtensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call |
ZING | Z39.50 International Next Generation |
Z-RAM | Zero-capacitor Random Access Memory |
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